CA What do you like about your work here, Gerry?
GF What do I like about it--? It's the contact with these people who have very real needs. And secondly I like the money. The money is really important. It gives you a real feeling of . . . of reward of some kind.
CA I think that's important.
GF Yes, it is.
CA And the program is in three centers now on the East Side of Manhattan. It's expanding to one in Queens and one on the Upper West Side. And after that to 5 or 6 more. So the goal--which is ambitious--is to have 40 coordinators doing what Gerry does in about 3 or 4 years, and about 800 clients. And that could really make a difference in people's lives.
CA Do you think, Velda, it helps to have retirees like Gerry in this position?
VM Absolutely.
CA Do you think it helps to build the trust?
VM Absolutely. There's an immediate connection because they're talking to an older person.
GF One thing that would help--it would be helpful if Carter Burden and the other agencies would get some publicity. Any publicity that we could get would be very well appreciated.
Interested in learning more about the Money Management Program? The AARP Bill Payer Program is available to low income seniors who live in Carter Burden Center's catchment area of the Upper East Side of New York City. For more information, to obtain a consultation, or to volunteer, please call (212) 879-7400 ext. 121 or click here to send an email.
L to R, Reporters Takeru Kise and Shinichiro Kaneda with Carter Burden's Executive Director Velda Murad and ReServist Gerry Fisher
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